Bring art into your home:
4K OLED TV from the Art & Interior collection.

4Kビエラ EZ1000

Until now, flat-screen TV design has been all about fitting in with the interior décor. Designing TVs to be as spatially unobtrusive as possible was the name of the game.
The game has just changed, thanks to the advent of Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) displays. OLED TVs are so thin and light that they can be installed anywhere in a room without feeling oppressive or overwhelming. In fact, our new range of VIERA TVs are works of art in their own right, enhancing your space with a pleasing sense of movement. At Panasonic, we believe this is exactly how a television should interact with your home décor. It’s the design concept behind our Art & Interior collection.

Technology that makes pictures and sound float in space Technology that makes pictures and sound float in space

The attraction of OLED screens is their superb picture quality, made possible by the fact that each pixel provides its own illumination. However, a more immersive visual experience demands an equally natural-sounding audio experience. Imagine a forest scene, with a soundtrack featuring the crystal-clear tones of birdsong. To sound realistic, the birdsong has to feel as if it’s not coming from any one specific direction. In other words, both the sound and the picture need to float in space. This was a challenge. After trying various approaches, we arrived at a design where the front speakers are connected to the OLED panel by a narrow, unified frame. Relying on an acoustic theory used in our Technics products, we developed 16 super-thin, high-audio-quality speakers that can be combined with an OLED panel without any deterioration in performance.
In this way, advances in picture quality spurred advances in both audio and overall product design.

Color and texture have not been forgotten. Color and texture have not been forgotten.

Glance around your own living space, and you’ll see glass, metal, textiles and leather. Much high-end furniture is made up of these materials. When designing our Art & Interior collection of TVs, we took care to avoid using materials with colors and textures that would look out of place amid typical home décor.
The black front of the speaker, for example, has a complex texture interwoven with metallic thread. It’s the kind of color you might see on the covering of a high-end contemporary sofa. The plastic elements of the television are also textured to look like embossed leather, and even feel like leather when you touch them.

Designed to look great from any angle Designed to look great from any angle

We like our televisions to look gorgeous from any angle, just like a sofa created by a top designer. We hate obvious joins, and we insist on having all-metal elements integrally molded. That’s why this television has beautiful, clean lines, free of unnecessary detailing. Seen from a distance, it appears to be a single shade of black all over. From closer up, however, subtly different blacks can be seen, some parts featuring hair-thin metal rims, others in matt-finished plastic, intricately woven fabric, and other pleasing textures.
Besides providing convenience and entertainment, this television is designed to enhance the appearance of your living space. The concept behind Panasonic’s Art & Interior collection is the creation of a new, intimate relationship between image display and interior décor.