Panasonic Eco Technology Center

Contents Index
Social and Environmental Responsibility

While operating the plant in an environmentally friendly manner, we will continue to grow as an enterprise that is trusted by all as we coexist with the local community.

Creating Plants That Consider the Environment and People

PETEC is located in Saho, Kato City, Hyogo Prefecture, which is surrounded by beautiful nature. We would like to protect and develop this rich natural environment with the local residents.

To achieve this, PETEC is equipped with a wide variety of equipment designed to conserve the environment. Dust-collecting devices keep the air clean, and wastewater is passed through a water treatment system before being drained. In addition, soundproof rooms and anti-vibration machinery prevent noise and vibration from bothering the local community.

There is bright color coding for each recycling line: pink for TVs, blue for washing machines, orange for air conditioners and green for refrigerators. This is done out of consideration for visitors and so employees can work efficiently in a pleasant environment with minimum risk of accidents.

Opening Our Plant to Society and the Community

PETEC was built with the understanding that it would provide tours. It is open for viewing by everyone, from children to grownups. We hope that many children, starting with the elementary and junior high school students of the local community, will experience this appliance recycling plant as a source of environmental education. After all, they are the generation that will one day lead the future of our Earth. PETEC's work and the achievements that it has made so far are also gathering worldwide attention, as evidenced by the fact that people from more than 136 countries and regions have toured the plant.

For details, please refer to "Factory Tours: Tour Highlights."

Environmental Conservation Meetings have been established with the residents of the local community, where opinions are regularly exchanged.

Also, in collaboration with Ono Welfare Factory, we support innovative activities for people who have disabilities.

A factory tour

An Environmental Conservation Meeting

Ono Welfare Factory

Kato City in Hyogo Prefecture and the Yashiro Science Park, which comprises four companies* including PETEC, jointly conduct the following activities.
* Japan E.M. Solutions Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. Yashiro Plant, Panasonic Corporation’s Living Appliances and Solutions Company, and PETEC.

Clean Strategy

Waste from around the plants is collected once a year, and the amount is reported to Kato City officials.

Traffic Guards

Three times a year, traffic guards are assigned to the intersections around the plants to check that seat belts are fastened and that drivers come to a full stop at the intersection. The compiled results of these checks are reported to Kato City officials and Yashiro Police, information on local safety promotion is shared, and opinions are actively exchanged. In addition, accident-free, traffic violation-free campaigns are promoted, traffic safety slogans are created, and other safety activities are carried out.

PETEC members volunteer to participate in the annual events of the Hyogo Panasonic Group Family Meetings.

Suma Beach Clean-up Activities

In addition to these activities, we also invite local residents to take part in tours and workshops in order to maintain close communication with them, and work together with them in the management of our plant.
While helping to preserve the rich green nature and historic landscape around us, we find strong support from the understanding and cooperation of the local community. This will enable PETEC to continue growing as an advanced recycling plant that is trusted by all.

See details about "Q&A."

You can see the PETEC pamphlet here.

Related Contents

  • PETEC's Activities
  • Our Work and Technology
  • Learning About Home Appliance Recycling