Panasonic Eco Technology Center

Contents Index
Factory Tours

The PETEC tour provides a multi-faceted experience — seeing, listening and touching — to give visitors a deeper understanding of home appliance recycling.


See, listen and touch. Become more familiar with home appliance recycling.

The Panasonic Eco Technology Center is a field-tested factory designed to contribute to a recycling-oriented society. It also serves as a venue for environmental education for the children who will become future leaders. Please feel free to join us in a factory tour.

Online tour days
Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 16:00 (Japan time)
Visit time
Approx. 1 hour (free)
Presentation using images and videos
  • 1. PETEC overview
  • 2. About Japan's home appliance recycling system
  • 3. Factory tour
  • 4. Q&A

Tour Highlights


Basic guidance on PETEC's role and business operations.

Recycled Item Display

The materials that are extracted from four types of home appliances, and products that result from using those materials, are displayed. Visitors gain a deeper understanding by seeing a variety of actual examples.

Tour Floor

Visitors can watch the recycling lines in operation with an excellent view from the second floor, while listening to an explanation of the work processes and detailed technologies.

Bright, Organized Lines

Teamwork by skilled operators allows the process to flow smoothly from one step to the next on lines that are painted in vivid key colors for each type of home appliance.

Hands-on explanations rich with demo tests and video images

Demo machines that are able to reproduce the principles of various sorting technologies allow visitors to experience sorting technologies right before their eyes. Video monitors also show the conditions inside machines that cannot be directly seen, to give visitors a multi-faceted view of "Recycling Today."

Commemorative Photo Corner

This posing corner lets visitors save the memory of their tour in a unique photo.

*Please note that tours are held only in Japanese.

Comments from Tour Visitors

So far, people from more than 136 countries and regions have toured the PETEC factory.These are actual comments made by people who took the PETEC factory tour.

I've been on several factory tours that show the manufacturing processes, but this is the first time for me to see products being dismantled for recycling and the new products that they turn into. It was very educational for both me and my child.(40-year-old woman, touring with her child)
This is a new type of recycling factory with great social significance that takes its workers and the local community into careful consideration.(30-year-old man, local government employee)
It was a little noisy, but the facilities were comfortable.(40-year-old man, foreign visitor)
It was wonderful to see Panasonic's efforts toward creating a recycling-oriented society. I learned a lot. I appreciate the experience.(60-year-old man, local government employee)
Very good activity promoting society and the whole world's contribution to society.(40-year-old man, foreign visitor)
I hear the word "recycle" a lot, but I've never had a chance to see the process like this. As someone who shares responsibility for the environment, I found it to be extremely informative. It made me want to take better care of things.(20-year-old man, company employee)
It's hard for me to imagine the difficulties for the workers (noise, heat, odors). My hat goes off to them.(60-year-old woman, touring with a group)
It was great. It's not often that you get a chance to see a factory where they break things. Thank you very much.(40-year-old man, student)
I was a little sad when I saw TVs and refrigerators being smashed. (I feel sorry for the poor appliances.) But I was happy to hear that they become brand new products. Thank you.(4th grade girl, student)
A very excellent factory for the course of environment protection.(30-year-old man, foreign visitor)
You can see the PETEC pamphlet here.

Related Contents

  • PETEC's Activities
  • Our Work and Technology
  • Learning About Home Appliance Recycling