Office Lighting

What is ABW? (Activity Based Working)

ABW is a workstyle that recognizes that workers perform different activities throughout their workday and need various work settings to achieve their tasks for the day.
Panasonic provides a suitable lighting environment which helps workers realize an environment suitable for efficiency and creativity.


Along with a lot of different workstyles, Panasonic implements the optimal lighting environment which facilitates both ease and effectiveness of work.
To accomplish that target, we focus on the following 3 activities.


An area for Co-creation such as brainstorming and workshops are increasing in varying styles. Active cross-communication is achieved by switching the light environment according to their needs at the time.


It is important to maintain mental and physical health to increase labor productivity. It creates a "bright and clean atmosphere", encourages a reset of feelings, and gives vitality to work.


As office spaces increasingly adopt open space plans, there is now a new problem of the lack of spaces where employees can fully concentrate on their individual tasks. We propose a lighting environment that offers options for optimal lighting tailored to a wide range of goals, and enhances personal focus on individual tasks.

Co-Creation / Active Meeting

In the meeting area, it is important to design a lighting environment that activates communication, enhances presentations, and is flexible to be arranged depending on the purpose of use.

1Up / Down Line Pendant

Vertical light distribution not only ensures desk surface illuminance, but also makes the space brighter to promote better communication.

Reduce the overall illuminance of the space and switch to only glare-free lights to enhance the presentation.

2Ex-A Series Adjustable Downlight

Give a sense of brightness to the space by brightly illuminating the wall.

*Available in select countries

Refresh / Bright and Clean

In the cafeteria, specific lighting environments are needed that create a bright and clean atmosphere.

1Panel Base Light

Reduce the glare and secure the illuminance of the floor by surface illumination.

2Ex-A Series Adjustable Downlight

Arrange the light beam according to layout of tables and furniture.

3Ex-A SeriesCeiling Adjustable Downlight

Illuminate vertical surfaces such as walls and plants. Can make spaces look three-dimensional and enhances the sense of brightness.

*Available in select countries

Focus / Privacy Pod

Propose an optimal lighting environment that can be selected based on the purpose of use, and allow workers to concentrate on their individual tasks.

12 in 1 Downlight

Facilitate personal concentration
Create contrast between objects and their surroundings that immerse oneself in one's work.

Activate the online meeting
Softly lights up the face and creates a shadowless environment.

Stimulate the creativity
Make indirect light without a glare for a better brainstorming environment for creating new ideas.

*Available in select countries

Focus / Productivity and Comfort

A suitable lighting environment that lights up working spaces efficiently while even reducing the glare. Also able to maintain a balance between comfort and energy savings.

1Ex Big Panel (2G)Low UGR Type

Reduce the glare which is reflected on the PC screen, and enhances work efficiency.

2Soft Glare Downlight

Creates a soft glare environment by adopting a special light distribution design with a glare cut angle of 35°.

*Available in select countries

Basic Lighting Design Proposal

Recommend Case Study

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