[Voice] Solar Lanterns Help Fight Malaria and Preserve World Heritage in the Philippines

2016.05.23 Voices

For over 30 years, the Pilipinas Shell Foundation has worked extensively from healthcare to environmental conservation to contribute to the development of Filipino society. The solar lanterns donated in February 2015 are playing a key role across many of their activities.

Curbing malaria deaths

Hello everyone, I am project officer Antero Rebueno.
The solar lanterns donated by our friends at Panasonic are being used by health workers in areas with high rates of malaria and villages deep in the mountains. With malaria, quick treatment is the top priority, although until now, it was sometimes delayed due to the absence of electricity.

Trained health workers go to patients' homes to conduct rapid diagnostic tests and provide proper treatment. At night, they must walk in the pitch black and this is where solar lanterns provide precious light. Additionally, the light has made it easier to conduct tests and provide treatment. Solar lanterns are a reassuring partner for us in our fight against malaria.


Health worker Ping Tombosot says happily, "The light is so helpful when going to and from patients' homes. Thank you so much!"


Health worker Noel Angguhuan examines a child. The child's parent holds up a solar lantern to provide light.

Use by park rangers at a World Heritage site

The solar lanterns are also used to help conservation activities at the Tubbataha Reef Marine Park, declared the Philippines' first UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993. Located in the southwest of the Philippine islands, this reef marine park, said to be the largest in Southeast Asia, is abound with marine and bird life including sea turtles and brown boobies.

Park rangers patrol this park to protect one of the greatest natural habitats of the country. Their most important duty is patrolling by boat to prevent fish poaching, starting around daybreak.


Many of the park rangers are volunteers


A park ranger on patrol with his trusty solar lantern on the dark sea


The solar lanterns are charged at a cottage on a sandbar inside the marine park

Going forward, we would like to continue using the donated solar lanterns in our efforts to create a better society. Thank you.