Reached the 100,000: Solar Lanterns Donated to 131 Organizations in 30 Countries over Five Years

2018.01.30 News

On January 30, 2018 Panasonic donated 5,004 solar lanterns to the Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Indonesia. With this, the cumulative number of donations reached 102,716 and brought us to the target that this project has been working towards since 2013.


The 100 Thousand Solar Lanterns Project started in February 2013 with the goal of contributing to solving social issues in many countries and regions around the world by delivering a total of 100,000 solar lanterns to areas without electricity by the time of Panasonic's hundredth anniversary in 2018. The recent donation of 5,004 solar lanterns to Indonesia brought the cumulative total of donations over five years to 102,716. Recipients included 131 organizations and institutions in a total of 30 countries.

The donation ceremony held in Jakarta was attended by approximately 100 people, including officials from the Indonesian government and the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia. Guests congratulated Panasonic on achieving this milestone and expressed their further anticipation in improving lives in areas without electricity, where many issues still remain.

Panasonic will continue to deliver light to people living in off-grid areas. Until now, Panasonic employees in Japan took part by donating through an in-house donation program. As a way of expanding the circle of support we will introduce a new crowd-funding initiative in April 2018 that will create a system to make it easy for the general public to also take part easily even through small donations.

Today, we are happy to announce a special website and videos that recap the project's journey to this point. We invite you to take a look.

Special website:


Panasonic will work through its corporate citizenship activities to address various social issues in emerging and developing countries, to create "A Better Life, A Better World." We look forward to your continued support.