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Carbon Pay

A new habit to become connected to the earth


Beyond the IoT, the concept of a decarbonized society that connects people to the planets.

What habits should we adopt in the future?

We have developed a system that allows you to ascertain your carbon footprint and select actions towards carbon neutrality, akin to managing your weight and finances. What happens if your carbon footprint exceeds your goal? You can contribute to environmental conservation through financial support of initiatives such as tree planting, coral transplantation, and the development of green technologies. To make this a habitual practice, we have incorporated it into various touchpoints in your daily life, such as a button on an appliance. As this concept gains widespread acceptance and devices, services, and our actions become interconnected, we can work towards creating a world in which environmentally detrimental actions are minimized and environmentally beneficial actions are maximized.

Why not initiate a new habit today that aligns with the common sense of the future?

What is Carbon Pay?

Carbon Pay is a system in which individuals pay environmental organizations an amount commensurate with their carbon footprint. The system is designed to allow users to easily choose the organizations they wish to support, such as forest conservation, reforestation, coral farming, and the development of green technologies such as renewable energy power plants.

※Carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, place, or product, expressed in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).

Carbon Pay App

This application enables users to view their annual carbon footprint and simultaneously displays the target values for the years 2030 and 2040. The figure of 7,270 kgCO2e displayed here represents the average annual carbon footprint of an individual in Tokyo, which is a significant deviation from the goal of 2,500 kgCO2e by 2030.


In addition, the design of the application allows for the identification of the emissions associated with each category, such as housing and transportation. For instance, an individual who has been attempting to minimize their electricity usage may discover that their consumption in areas such as clothing and transportation have a substantial impact on their overall emissions.


Then, what should we do when emissions are too much?
Of course, the first priority is to reduce emissions.
But if we cannot reduce emissions, is there any action we can take?

The Carbon Pay concept is a system that enables individuals to convert their emissions into monetary contributions, which are then directed towards projects aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions and achieving carbon neutrality.

※High volume warning

As you make the payment, the indicator changes from red to green, signifying that you are progressing towards carbon neutrality.
However, the carbon footprint value will not be represented as 0 kgCO2e, as it does not purport that the emitted CO2 did not exist.


Carbon Footprint Appliances

In order to make the action Carbon Pay your daily habits, we have designed prototypes of carbon footprint-monitoring appliances. These appliances, such as remote controls, coffee machines, and audio devices, prominently display an individual's carbon footprint, and even facilitate payments through a dedicated "Carbon Pay" button. It is envisioned that in the near future, the measurement unit of "kgCO2e" will become as ubiquitous as temperature and humidity in our everyday consciousness.


We have designed a prototype for the "Carbon Pay Touch," a device that displays an individual's carbon footprint and facilitates contactless payments.

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