Street Lighting

Forging a Connected City through illumination

We understand the safety and power saving are important factor for Street Lighting, which continuously illuminating during every nighttime. Panasonic has a solutions and know-how to solve with high-quality lighting products.

Panasonic Advanced Features

Enhancing Visibility

Maintenance Made Easy

Bright Road With Low
Energy Consumption

Easy Remote Control

Intelligent Street Lighting Solution

Smart Street Lighting System


Hybrid Communication System

Street lights are flexible and can utilize the various listed communication systems; GSM, RF-GSM and PLC-GSM.

Smart System GSM

  • Ideal for projects with 10 luminaires or fewer.
  • Luminaires must be in a location where the signal is strong.
  • No need for a panel controller.

Smart System RF

  • More efficient for grouping, 1 concentrator can control up to 200 luminaires.
  • Can work in areas where the GSM signal is weak or unstable such as a subway, underpass, tunnel, etc.
  • Equipped with measurements and control features in the Concentrator panel.

Smart System PLC

  • More efficient for wire grouping. 1 concentrator can control up to 200 luminaires. Suitable for all types of streets.
  • Can work in areas where the GSM signal is weak or unstable because using power supply cable for the communication.

Remote Control and Monitoring

By connecting street lights with this hybrid communication system, users can control the street light operation from a remote area.


(City Connected Asset Mangement System)

Energy Consumption Monitoring

Auto-dimming Setup


Retrofit fixtures modified into a Smart Street Lighting System

Smart Loop

Suitable to be installed with standard street light and landscape lighting.
Allows for control and monitoring of the standard street lights and landscape lighting through CiCAMS*.

*CiCAMS = City Connected Asset Mangement System

Communication System

Basic Lighting Design Proposal

Urban Area / Suburbs

Smart Street Light

Smart Street Lights are suitable for areas which need a centralized management system, auto-dimming setup, and energy consumption monitoring system.

Rural Area

Solar Street Light

Solar Street Lights are suitable for non-electrified areas such as a distant province, forest, mountainous area, etc.

Urban / Suburbs / Rural Area

Standard Street Light

Recommend Case Study

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