
Conceiving, Testing, and Executing UX
The future of UX design and hints of innovation.
Talk-a-Lot: Conceiving, Testing, and Executing UX

Event: ICE JAM (2/9/2018)

Talk-a-Lot: an event where FUTURE LIFE FACTORY members hold discussions with experts from Panasonic and beyond. In this context, we took the stage during a live discussion on “Conceiving, Testing, and Executing UX” at the ICE JAM event sponsored by Sansan, Inc. We shared our thoughts with Sansan’s creators, from more technical to more human perspectives, in a discussion about how to conceive, test, and execute UX. We displayed WEAR SPACE prototypes at the event, and showed a video on the theme of speculating about the future. It was a great opportunity not just to have participants experience our products, but also to talk directly with the audience and to network.

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