


Experience : Generative Art

Source : Temperature, Air pressure, Humidity, Wind

Quantifying invisible factors like temperature, air pressure, and humidity allows air conditioners, humidifiers, and wall insulation to maintain a consistent environment throughout the year. However, this emphasis on control has desensitized us to subtle variations in our surroundings that were once palpable to our bodies.
By using vague, non-numeric visualizations to represent the hidden state of the environment, we can reconnect with our innate sense of physical awareness. This reminder to engage with our environment through our senses can deepen our appreciation of the world around us.

A sensor reads temperature, pressure, and humidity values and translates them into colors, generating a new pixel every second. In a room with a consistent environment, the resulting picture will be uniform, while a room with fluctuating conditions will produce an image with movement and variation.
To fully appreciate the range of pictures that can be generated, it may be necessary to open a window and allow external changes to penetrate the space. By visually tracking these environmental shifts through the dynamic display, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between our bodies and the surrounding world.
