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This questionnaire, written in Japanese, English and French, took the following form :

  1. a) What objects do you believe should be stored in the Time Capsule?
  2. b) What records do you believe should be stored in the Time Capsule?
  3. C) Please write your brief message to mankind 5,000 years hence.

Distribution of the questionnaire

Region Natural science Social science Arts Total
Japan 172 131 105 408
Overseas 148 48 28 224
Total 320 179 133 632

Overseas distribution by country and field

Country Natural Science Social Science Arts Total
Australia 1 - - 1
Austria 2 - - 2
Bangladesh 1 - - 1
Belgium 3 1 - 4
Brazil 3 - - 3
Canada 1 - - 1
China, People's Republic - - 1 1
Czechoslovakia 2 - - 2
Denmark 1 - - 1
Ethiopia 2 1 - 3
France 8 5 12 25
Germany, Democratic Republic 1 - - 1
Germany, Federal Republic 14 - - 14
India 5 2 - 7
Indonesia - 1 - 1
Iran - 1 - 1
Ireland 1 - - 1
Israel 1 - - 1
Italy 2 1 1 4
Korea, Republic of 1 - - 1
Latvia 1 - - 1
Lebanon 1 - - 1
Malaysia - 1 - 1
Netherlands 3 1 - 4
Norway - 1 - 1
Pakistan - 1 - 1
Portugal 1 - - 1
Sri Lanka 2 - - 2
Sweden 7 - - 7
Switzerland 4 - 1 5
Taiwan 1 - - 1
Thailand 2 - - 2
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 5 2 1 8
United Kingdom (UK) 12 7 4 23
United States of America (USA) 60 23 8 91
Total 148 48 28 224

Foreign respondents

The following persons returned the questionnaire to the ExecutiveCommittee. Many of their ideas and suggestions are represented in Time Capsule Expo '70 and the Committee wishes toacknowledge here the significant contribution these respondents made to the project as a whole. Their interest and enthusiasm was warmly appreciated.

T.H. Ahn (Rep. of Korea)
Department of Industrial Chemistry; Kanyo University, Seoul
E. Ansermet (Switzerland)
Orchestral conductor
U.A. Aziz (Malaysia)
Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaysia
S.E. Beacom (USA)
Electrochemistry Department, Research Laboratories, General Motors
W.von Braun (USA)
Marshall Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics & Space Administration
S. Dasananda (Thailand)
Rice Department, Ministry of Agriculture
E. Diamond (USA)
Newsweek Magazine
L. Escande (France)
Faculty of Science, Toulouse
T.E. Everhart (USA)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of California
J.B. Fisk (USA)
Bell Telephone Laboratories
T.R. Gairola (India)
National Museum of India, New Delhi
R.J. Gettens (USA)
Freer Gallery of Art, Washington
J. Haantjes (Netherlands)
Philips Research Laboratories
A. Hautot (Belgium)
Institute of Physics, Liege University
L. Heilmeyer (Germany, Fed. Rep.)
University of Ulm
G.W. Heise (USA)
Union Carbide Research Laboratories
M.D. Hersey (USA)
Division of Engineering, Brown University
C.B. Huggins (USA)
Ben May Laboratory for Cancer Research, University ofChicago
M.L. Huggins (USA)
Research scientist (Physical chemistry)
D. Keene (USA)
Department of Japanese, Columbia University
K.V. Kordesh (USA)
Fuel Cell Research Group, Union Carbide Corporation
M. Magat (France)
Faculty of Science, Orsay
G.B. Mallory (USA)
P.R. Mallory & Company; Lawyer
M. Mengesha (Ethiopia)
College of Agriculture, Haile Sellassie I University
M.E. Merchant (USA)
Scientific Research Division, Cincinnati Milling Machine Company
H.G. Morgenthau (USA)
Faculty of Political Science and Modern History, University of Chicago
K. Moser (Switzerland)
Research chemist (polymer chemistry)
H. Newell (USA)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
B.R. Nijhawan (India)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna; National Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Jamshedpur.
S.Y. Padmanabhan (India)
Central Rice Research Institute
J.R. Pierce (USA)
Communication Sciences Division, Bell Telephone Laboratories
D-G. Pire (Belgium)
Nobel Peace Prize (1958); Priest
C.S. de Santamaria (USA)
Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress; Engineer
G.O. Schenck (Germany, Fed. Rep.)
Department of Radiation Chemistry, Max-Planck Institute for Organic Chemistry
T.J. Schoch (USA)
Department of Food and Nutrition, New York State College of Home Economics, Cornell University
M.C. Shaw (USA)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
R.J. Smith (USA)
Department of Anthropology; Cornell University
M.S. Swaminathan (India)
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
A.M. Thomason (USA)
United Press International
O. Vogl (USA)
Central Research Department, E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
J. Wilson (UK)

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The contents of this site are excerpted from THE OFFICIAL RECORD OF TIME CAPSULE EXPO'70(March 1975). Please note that company and organization names may differ from those of the current ones.

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