Brightening Today.
Powering the Future.

Our planet faces a turning point.
At Panasonic, we are determined to play our role
in helping foster a better society by providing electrical equipment
that lays the foundation for people’s lives.

Creating a safer and more secure society with electrical equipment

For 100 years, we have designed, developed, and distributed
electrical equipment that supports people, communities, and societies.

Delivering high-quality products and intelligent technologies
that provide safety and comfort every day,
as well as peace of mind at times of emergency, to every corner of the world.

Contribution to decarbonization with electrical equipment

From individual homes to international stadiums, commercial facilities to airports,
train stations, and national landmarks –
our technology is transforming communities worldwide.

Through smart energy management and advanced technologies,
we are reducing CO2 emissions and preserving the environment.

We are committed to building a brighter future
while supporting comfortable lifestyles for the present day.

Supporting next-generation workstyles with electrical equipment

Remote working. Hybrid working. Virtual conferences.
Work styles have been changing dramatically.

Using sensing and digital technology, we are designing optimal spaces
that provide comfortable environments that aren’t just offering a place to work
but a new way to work that focuses on wellness —
whether that’s at home, at the office, or in other shared spaces.

And beyond the home, beyond the community —
we respond to issues across the globe, providing cutting-edge technology
that cares for people and their varying lifestyles.
Supporting an infrastructure for life — that is Panasonic’s DNA.

We promise not to compromise today for the future.
We promise not to compromise the future for today.
At Panasonic, we promise to bring both a better today and a better future. 

Brightening Today. Powering the Future.

from the President

The Electric Works Company is in the business of providing innovative,
people-centred electrical equipment for all of society’s “life spaces”,
from homes, offices and hotels to commercial and sports facilities.

With solutions centred around digital technology and electrical equipment,
we provide safe and comfortable spaces where everyone can live healthy and active lives.

We offer new ways to improve spaces, adapting to changes in lifestyles
and the social environment to deliver maximum satisfaction to customers.

Based on these aims, we work with leading partners to offer people-centred solutions.

We are in the business of bringing customers a better today
and a better tomorrow through electrical equipment.

Electric Works Company
Panasonic Corporation

Kiyoshi Otaki